Biblical Quotes
By Pastor. Selvin Samuel
Bible is the single source of truth for all of us. GOD have given me the urge of creating biblical quotes which can be easily understandable and anyone can relate to their current situation and apply to win over the situation biblically. I would encourage you to read and be blessed!
Learn the art of unlearning to learn more.
Truth without Grace is like race without track. Grace without Truth is like track without race.
While you aim to run and finish your race faithfully, get into the track that God has assigned to you.
Feed your inner man with the word of God to be a winner man.
Better to RESPOND with RESPECT than to REACT and REGRET.
Your out of control situation is under God’s control. STAY CALM!
GROW in the WORD to GLOW in the WORLD.
While others keep BITING my BACK, God is busy LIFTING my neck.
Don’t ever feel insecure when you are already sealed and secured in God.
We don’t need to look for a godfather when we already have our GOD-THE FATHER.
Leave your future to God to live today.
Give your BEST and REST in God. He will do His BEST.
Free will in Christ will set you free. Get ready for RESTORATION.
When you do first things first God will do the rest things best.
God is keen on You. Just lean on HIM.
Stop debating and start declaring the word of God to receive your deliverance.
Pray in Spirit to beat the battle. Walk in Spirit to defeat the war.
It’s not about ‘How much you know’ but ‘How much you know HIM’
Do you feel surrounded inside four walls? It’s time to look up to God above! That’s what Israelites did when they were cornered every side in the red sea!
Two wings of God’s love to us. GIVING and FORGIVING.
The purpose of your JUSTIFICATION in CHRIST is to become LIKE CHRIST.
You are BORN to LIVE then DIE, You’re BORN AGAIN to DIE daily but LIVE FOREVER.
Don’t embrace the GRACE embrace GOD who gives you the GRACE.
God loves you unconditionally from the WOMB to the TOMB.
Once you fall in Love with CHRIST you will think TWICE before you FALL into SIN.
We give not because God will give back but give since He’s already given.
When you run after attaining your PROSPERITY in Spirit every other PROSPERITY will run after you.
Be sensitive to identify and rectify the INVISIBLE SICKNESS in your SPIRIT so that your VISIBLE IDENTITY in CHRIST will make BETTER SENSE.
You will never be NO MORE if you KNOW MORE of Christ.
When you don’t UNDERSTAND what’s happening around you, STAND on the OUTSTANDING promises of God.
PRESENCE OF MIND can save you from the storm, but PRESENCE OF KINGDOM MIND will help you to save others too.
Praise over problems & Worship over worries is the PassWord to unlock God’s presence.
People may underestimate you by your past unrighteousness, people may overestimate you by your past righteousness but what matters most is to be right before God every single day.
God’s PRESENCE is the only place where everything will make SENSE; There is JOY in His PRESENCE, ENJOY!
The purpose of upper room experience is NOT HOW LOUD YOU SHOUT but HOW MUCH LOUDER YOU SHOUT OUT THE GOSPEL to the world.
When you open the door of your heart God is ready to open the flood gates of heaven.
No one has any right to ‘write you off’ as God has already carved you on the palms of His hand. DON’T GIVE UP.
No MAN can control you when you allow GOD to control your life.
EVERYDAY many not be a GOOD DAY but ANY DAY can be a GOD DAY. START your day with good GOD.
One of the best ways to express your LOVE towards GOD is to LOVE Difficult people, like how GOD LOVES YOU!
It is important not just to have a broad-mind but to also have a sound-mind in Christ.
Power of a SOUND MIND cannot be ATTAINED but RETAINED as God has already passed it on to us.
The best way to acknowledge God’s unique image is by seeing yourself in the mirror.
Your attitude between God’s promise and its fulfillment is what defines your character.
Standing right before God will make you shine bright against all odds.
God doesn’t need an intelligent mind but a diligent heart.
The pace of your process defines the perfection of your product; hence don’t rush the process.
Fulfilling of God’s calling is not to fill people in a building rather filling the people with God to build His kingdom.
Your “Daily Devotional time” should lead you to “Die daily” if not it is just a “Daily Emotional time”.
Don’t just go to the next level. Grow to the next level.
Your every EXTRA-MILE will always give you EXTRA-ORDINARY results.
Sometimes UNDERSTANDING is worth more than being OUTSTANDING.
It’s not your willpower that matters but willing to allow the will of God to fulfill His purpose matters.
Don’t get settled for less, when God has planned for surplus.
The PURPOSE of finding the PURPOSE of your life is to fulfill God’s PURPOSE.
The POWER of the CROSS can REDEEM any man and the PURPOSE of His RESURRECTION can RESTORE any life.
When you discover who you are, your behavior defines your identity, when you discover whose you are in Christ your identity defines your behavior.
You are stronger than you thought and mightier than you think. Not because who you are but whose you are!
You are called not to fill the gap but to stand in the gap and fulfill God’s plan for your life.
The Lord who helped you cross over the red sea is well aware of your current situation of crossing over the Jordan river, it’s not all over, don’t give up!
Anointing will keep you calm during storm and composed while confused.
When you lead others, you are a leader but when you lift others up you become a legend.
Give up your LUST for rise up to God’s BEST.